Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy

Are you ready to go deeper? 

The mind is powerful and delving deep enough to uncover the information stored in our subconscious can be discovered in time with meditation and traditional therapy, however there are times when we, as human beings still struggle to identify and understand what is driving our undesired behavior, even after months and years of therapy. Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that allows a person to go in to a deep state of relaxation, allowing their conscious mind to not be as active/protective, to enable us to have access to their subconscious mind. 

What does that mean?

You will be in a deep state of relaxation. Through hypnotherapy, the conscious mind is less active, allowing us access to your subconscious thoughts/beliefs. Since our SUBCONSCIOUS MIND CONTROLS 95% of OUR BEHAVIORS, being able to explore it, extinguish old messaging, and create new messaging while under hypnosis is extremely powerful. As human beings we are capable of changing our brains. We can are capable of reprogramming old messaging, thoughts, and beliefs. We can do so through deep meditation. Hypnotherapy can help expedite the process by implanting new, desired thoughts and behaviors while your mind is in theta state (like how you feel right before you fall asleep). During this relaxed state you are more open to suggestibility and with the support of a hypnotherapist, you can fast track your way to your subconscious. 

What can I expect during my Hypnotherapy session with Tamara?

* Through relaxation techniques, you will be gently guided to a restful state. Your breathing will slow down, your eyes will be closed, and you will be given resource states (comfort states) to refer back to if you need/want to go deeper into relaxation. Please note: You will not be unconscious, you will have awareness of your surroundings, and you are in control. You will be in a natural state of extreme relaxation, 

* You will be asked questions to prompt memories of the earliest times you remember experiencing the feelings associated with your thought patterns and/or behaviors. 

* Together we explore the memories and identify the undesired messaging you received at that time (usually childhood and adolescence). We will learn what the experience taught you about yourself, and what it taught you about the world around you, as well as the behaviors that developed as a result.

 * If there are any parts of yourself that you feel you were separated from/were cut off, we will identify those fragmented parts and bring them back.

 * If you are holding on to any energy, heaviness, sadness, or anxiety around an event/memory, you will have an opportunity to address it differently, and release any of the unwanted feelings through a physical and verbal energy release. 

* You will create healthy, new decisions and conclusions about yourself and how you will show up in the world. 

* We end with a beautiful healing meditation, where you will verbally and energetically release what no longer serves you in a healthy way. 

* You will send love and healing energy to your inner child.

* We end hypnosis by gently guiding you from your deep rest, back into the the present moment, and back to your conscious awareness.

* You will be given the homework of repeating your new conclusions/affirmations to ensure that the messaging given during hypnotherapy continues to be reinforced and new neural pathways are created. 

What are Some Benefits of Hypnotherapy?

- Decreased anxiety.

- It gets to the root/core of subconscious beliefs.

- Allows access to repressed emotions and enables a safe release of blockages. 

- One hypnotherapy session can bring about more change and progress than months or years of traditional psychotherapy.

- Increased self-esteem.

- More restful sleep.

- Helps with goal setting.

- Stops self-limiting beliefs/imposter syndrome.

- Supports natural healing.

- Eases stress and encourages relaxation which can support fertility, stress management, and insomnia/over thinking. 

- Helps eliminate unwanted habits.

Why Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy? 

As we continue to learn more about our hearts and the energy of love, more and more therapeutic and healing modalities are working with the mind, body, and heart to create change and support people with healing and living their most authentic lives. 

Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy is a healing modality and form of hypnotherapy that embraces the belief that individuals have an inner guidance and their own natural resources that enable them to heal. The process integrates traditional hypnotherapy, developmental and behavioral therapy, gestalt and NLP techniques, and energy work. The approach is deeply caring and empathetic, using the state of deep relaxation to allow the natural flow of healing energy to support the client with healing trauma, emotions, and beliefs that have been keeping them from moving forward in their lives. 

Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy is transformational. 

Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy is offered the following ways:

* As on add-on specialty service for current clients.

* As part of the "Self-Love Journey" package for individuals (healing track, self-awareness track, and self-actualization track). Packages are 6, 8, or 12 sessions. 

* As part of the "Couples Revamp Journey" (12 or 16 session package) or "Couples 4-day Intimacy Journey" package. Each partner will have their own hypnotherapy session. 

Why Now? 

If you are ready to delve deeper, if you are curious about what your subconscious is holding onto, if you would like to change the voice in your head and rewrite some of the takeaways from prior experiences, if you want to release any energy that is no longer serving you in a healthy way and is keeping you stuck and stagnant, if you would like an opportunity to experience being supported in a calm and relaxed manner during the process, I look forward to hearing from you!  Let's do some beautiful healing work together! Congratulations, for considering taking this step!

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